Accountability and reporting

Our governing legislation

Infrastructure Australia was established in 2008 under the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 (Cth) to be the Australian Government’s independent advisor on nationally significant infrastructure investment planning and project prioritisation.

The Act defines our role and responsibilities in guiding nationally significant infrastructure investment and reform.

The Infrastructure Australia Amendment (Independent Review) Act 2023 was passed by the Australian Parliament in December 2023, strengthening our remit as the nation’s independent infrastructure advisor.

Statement of Expectations

The Statement of Expectations for Infrastructure Australia is issued by the responsible Minister and outlines their expectations of the operations and performance of Infrastructure Australia.

Statement of Intent

Infrastructure Australia responds to each Statement of Expectations with our Statement of Intent, which identifies the key objectives and initiatives Infrastructure Australia intends to deliver.

Freedom of Information

An information publication plan for Australian Government agencies was introduced in 2011 to foster greater openness and transparency, and encourage a more proactive approach to publishing information. More information is available at Freedom of Information.

Contracts and tenders

Pursuant to the Senate Order for entity contracts Infrastructure Australia publishes contracts it enters into of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and which:

  • have not been fully performed as at 31 December 2024, or
  • which have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 31 December 2024.

More information is available at Contracts & Tenders.

Executive remuneration reporting

Commonwealth Entities and Commonwealth Companies are requested to publish information detailing the scope and value of remuneration for executive and other highly paid staff on their entity/company’s website.

More information is available at Executive Remuneration Reporting.

Conflict of interest

Infrastructure Australia as a Corporate Commonwealth Entity is subject to the PGPA Act. Under section 29 of this Act, all officials and Infrastructure Australia’s Commissioners must disclose any material personal interests that relate to the affairs of Infrastructure Australia.

Infrastructure Australia's Commissioners

Infrastructure Australia's Commissioners must disclose any new, or changes to current conflict of interests, at each Commissioner meeting. In line with section 15 of the PGPA Act, any Commissioner who has a conflict of interest in relation to any matter being considered at a Commissioner meeting, will not;

  • be present during any discussion of the matter; or
  • vote on the matter.

Officials of Infrastructure Australia

Officials disclose any conflict of interests with Infrastructure Australia at the commencement of their employment. They are further required to report any conflict of interests as they arise during their employment with Infrastructure Australia. An appropriate plan is then developed to manage these conflicts.

Gifts and Benefits Register

The Australian Public Service Commission guidance requires agency heads to exercise careful judgment when deciding whether to accept any gifts and benefits. Heads of Commonwealth companies are also encouraged to adopt the guidance as it represents best practice in promoting public sector integrity in accepting gifts and benefits. 

The disclosure of gifts and benefits received by the Accountable Authority, CEO and Senior Executives at Infrastructure Australia.

Indexed list of files

Every six months, we are required to prepare a response to the Senate Continuing Order for Indexed List of Departmental or Agency Files.

File lists: