Infrastructure Australia is managed by the Chief Executive Officer who reports to a Chief Commissioner and two Commissioners. The CEO is supported by an Executive Leadership Team overseeing key functions:
- Project Advisory and Evaluation
- Policy and Research
- Digital & Data
- Operations
- Office of the CEO
This information is accurate as at 15/04/2024.

Infrastructure Australia teams
Project Advisory and Evaluation
The Project Advisory and Evaluation team reviews and provides advice on the quality and feasibility of major infrastructure proposals across government jurisdictions on the basis of strategic fit, economic, social, environmental value, and deliverability.
The team is responsible for the maintenance of the Infrastructure Priority List and the Assessment Framework. They also evaluate submissions (which inform the Infrastructure Priority List) in accordance with the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 (Cth) and the Assessment Framework.
Policy and Research
The Policy and Research team identifies challenges and opportunities facing the infrastructure sector and promotes best practice and innovation policy and non-build solutions.
The team’s analysis informs Infrastructure Australia’s investment advice, supports decision-making by governments at all levels, as well as informing industry and the community.
Digital and Data
The Digital & Data team was created to support the delivery of the Digital & Data Pillar of our Corporate Strategy. This team supports the whole organisation in the use of technology, data and digital tools across key functions and products.
The Operations team is responsible for:
- Finance and Risk
- Procurement
- People, Culture and Talent; and
- Office Management
Office of the CEO
The Office of the CEO provides governance, engagement, logistical and administrative support to the CEO with the aim of enabling the position to engage effectively with key stakeholders.