Adelaide level crossings congestion and safety

There are 127 at-grade level crossings of the road and rail network in Adelaide. Some of these level crossings are closed to road traffic for up to 25% of peak traffic periods.
Level crossings can lead to delays and safety problems as trains, cars, buses, trucks, cyclists and pedestrians cross paths. Pedestrian and vehicle collisions and boom-gate strike crashes can result in injuries or fatalities, as well as property damage and delays on transport networks.
Longer boom-gate closures can also create barriers between different parts of the community and reduce amenity in urban areas.
These problems are expected to worsen as road traffic and the frequency of rail services increase with population growth in South Australia.
More frequent rail services will result in longer boom-gate closures, as trains are given priority on the transport network.
The proposal could be addressed through a program to identify, prioritise and remove level crossings in Adelaide. This would improve network efficiency, safety and amenity for communities.
Such a program should consider a wide range of options to remove level crossings or minimise their impacts. This could include traffic restrictions, road closures, demand management, removing level crossings, and grade separations where warranted.
The South Australian Government has identified 31 level crossings they contend pose the highest risk to users and create the greatest disturbances on the network.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.