Enabling infrastructure for developing the Beetaloo Sub-Basin

The Beetaloo Sub‑Basin has been identified by industry as containing a significant quantity of gas that could be within economically feasible depths to extract.
Proportionate and timely investment in enabling infrastructure will support the development of this gas basin for export and domestic markets.
This supporting infrastructure (such as road, rail, aviation and utility infrastructure) could also benefit other users in the region.
The extent to which the opportunity is realised will depend largely on extraction costs, environmental impacts, and global trends and policies that impact the role of natural gas in the energy mix in Australia and overseas.
The Northern Territory Government has a vision to be a world class hub for gas production, manufacturing and services by 2030.
The 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit identified that infrastructure could help to catalyse growth across northern Australia and unlock development across a range of industries.
The Audit also found that uncertainty prevents timely investment in long‑term infrastructure such as electricity generation and gas pipelines. This increases risks and costs to users.
Potential options to address the proposal could include upgraded or new road, logistics, telecommunications and social infrastructure for the Beetaloo Sub‑Basin.
Public investment should consider the role of government in stimulating the delivery of infrastructure by the private sector, compared with direct infrastructure funding, ownership and provision.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.