Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula transport connectivity

The Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula (GPOP) area is crucial to the growth of the Central River City (as defined by the 2018 Greater Sydney Region Plan), which is identified as one of three economic corridors in Greater Sydney and a designated growth area. Over the next 20 years, the Central River City’s population is expected to grow from 1.3 million to 1.8 million people, with an estimated 207,500 new dwellings. The number of jobs is expected to increase by 54%. GPOP is forecast to absorb 35% of new dwellings (72,000) in the Central River City and 52% of additional jobs (110,000) by 2036.
Currently, there is poor connectivity to and from precincts in GPOP. Connectivity barriers include the Parramatta River, heavy rail lines, Parramatta Road, and other major arterial roads which separate GPOP precincts and limit ease of movement. Precincts are typically very separate from one another, reflecting the industrial and manufacturing histories of some suburbs and employment is concentrated in the Parramatta CBD. Car dependence in GPOP is high with 64% of journeys by residents and 75% of journeys by workers by private vehicle. It is estimated that without better transport connectivity, zoning changes will result in 17,500 fewer dwellings.
Strategic Fit
GPOP is forecast to have a significant increase in dwelling and employment over the next 15 years. Improved transport connectivity and choice is a core Government strategy and is identified as a priority in numerous NSW Government plans.
Societal Impact
The proposal involves improving public transport access and active transport links within GPOP to improve connectivity, liveability and to support the growth potential of the precincts. Improving public transport mobility to and within GPOP will reduce reliance on private vehicles, provide residents with greater choice and employment opportunities elsewhere, and maximise the housing and employment potential of the region.
The proponent is currently delivering Stage 1 of Parramatta Light Rail. Public transport connectivity to GPOP may be improved by extending the Parramatta Light Rail or building an equivalent high frequency, high-capacity integrated transport solution to support land use outcomes and address the barriers to connectivity.
Extension of the light rail would need to consider a range of delivery risks including property acquisitions, contaminated lands, impacts on traffic and existing public transport customers
during construction, and significant capital costs. Learnings from Stage 1 of Parramatta Light Rail, including benefits realisation and cost management, should also be considered as this proposal is further investigated.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
The proponent has prepared a business case for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 although this has not been submitted to Infrastructure Australia for assessment.
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.