Public transport capacity: Parramatta Road and Victoria Road corridors

The 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit identified that some of Sydney’s most congested roads are along the Burwood to Sydney CBD via Parramatta Road corridor, and the Parramatta/Ryde/Sydney CBD via Victoria Road corridor. The cost of congestion in the greater Sydney region is projected to rise from $8.1 billion in 2016 to $15.9 billion in 2031. The need for public transport improvements for both corridors is identified in the NSW Government’s Future Transport Strategy 2056.
The population of Local Government Areas (LGAs) along the Parramatta Road corridor will grow by approximately 116,000 people between 2016 and 2036.
The population of LGAs along the Victoria Road corridor will grow by approximately 68,000 people in the same period.
Both corridors are experiencing growing congestion, pollution, and slow unreliable public transport due to high volumes of vehicles and deficient public and active transport infrastructure.
While both corridors are served by rail, and some sections are planned to be served by Sydney Metro West, other parts are only practically served by road. For these sections of the corridors, additional public transport capacity is required.
Efficient management of the transport network on these two corridors is a priority issue. Inadequate investment in public transport along these corridors will result in greater reliance on and use of private passenger vehicles, in turn leading to further road congestion and delays at the expense of economic efficiency.
The provision of high-capacity public transport infrastructure and services combined with increased active transport provision is potentially an effective method of improving connectivity and place amenity along priority corridors and alleviating congestion on Sydney’s urban transport network.
The opening of WestConnex has reduced vehicle volumes in some sections of the corridors, presenting an opportunity to reallocate road space for bus and active transport infrastructure.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.