South Australia High Productivity Vehicle network access

South Australia’s regional freight network includes the Dukes Highway, Sturt Highway, Augusta Highway and Eyre Highway, which are also part of the National Land Transport Network. This network is crucial for transporting goods in most regional areas of South Australia. However, the existing road network does not allow for the use of larger High Productivity Vehicles. The existing truck limits and access constraints affect 88% of South Australian road freight.
The absence of a fully developed High Productivity Vehicle network is constraining productivity and the realisation of opportunities in the South Australian economy.
High Productivity Vehicles have the potential to carry over 30% more freight per vehicle, resulting in fewer vehicles required to move the same freight task. This reduces the costs to transport operators and end users, and reduces the number of heavy vehicles on the road, improving the safety, capacity and efficiency of transport services.
Potential options to address the proposal include improving mass limits and road geometry, improving bridge capacities and duplicating lanes on the South Australian regional freight network including the Augusta Highway, Dukes Highway and the Sturt Highway.
One such constraint identified for improvement is the Swanport Bridge on the South Eastern Freeway at Murray Bridge.
The proposal is for maximising the efficiency of the South Australia regional and intrastate freight network and the interstate supply chain connectivity to the north, south, east and western states and territories in Australia.
Sturt Highway High Productivity Vehicle capacity enhancement, including Truro bypass, was previously listed as a Priority Initiative on the Infrastructure Priority List, and is now captured under this broader proposal.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.