Northern Beaches (A8) corridor capacity: Seaforth to Mona Vale

The 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit found the A8 corridor between the Northern Beaches and North Sydney to be one of the five most congested roads in Sydney in 2016. This corridor is forecast to be one of the 10 most congested roads in Sydney in 2031 as measured by total vehicle delays.
Pittwater Road and Condamine Road are part of an important road corridor connecting the Northern Beaches to the Sydney CBD. Traffic flow, however, is impeded by several pinch points in the corridor which result in queuing and increased travel times.
Underperforming intersections result in delays for traffic travelling along and crossing the corridor. Currently, the Pittwater Road / Warringah Road / Harbord Road intersection experiences queues of over 500m during AM peak and 600m during PM peak, with an average vehicle delay of 60 and 90 seconds respectively.
Limited road capacity may constrain development in the corridor. Additional growth in the Brookvale – Dee Why Strategic Centre is likely to require improvements in the transport network to enable more intensive land use and to achieve NSW Government dwelling and employment targets.
Capacity constraints on the A8 corridor could be addressed through a range of interventions, including intersection upgrades and road widening.
This proposal is specifically focused on the section of the A8 corridor between Seaforth and Mona Vale. Specific sections that have been identified for potential works include the Mona Vale complex, Narrabeen complex, Dee Why town centre, Brookvale Oval, and the intersection between Condamine Street and Pittwater Road.
Potential Investment Options for North Sydney to Northern Beaches capacity improvements is separately included on the Infrastructure Priority List to address the congestion problems on the Northern Beaches–North Sydney corridor between North Sydney and Seaforth/Balgowlah.
Proponent to complete business case development (Stage 3 of the Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.