This Public Infrastructure Workforce Supply Dashboard provides an interactive way to understand and analyse supply and demand for the skills and occupations that constitute the public infrastructure workforce, as established through Infrastructure Australia's Market Capacity Program.
Tips for using this dashboard:
- Click on the blue boxes at the top of the dashboard to move between tabs.
- Use the filters at the top of each tab to select occupations or occupation groups.
- For the 'Supply and demand' and 'Supply components' tabs, select the month of interest using the filter at the top, or click on the time series chart.
Workforce supply projections were modelled using a variety of data sources, including the 2021 Census and ongoing Labour Force Survey as key inputs. The supply covers workforce from all public infrastructure pipelines irrespective of the funding source. A full methodology can be found in Appendix F of the Infrastructure Workforce Skills and Supply report.
Workforce demand projections were sourced from the latest Market Capacity Intelligence System. Demand covers workforce from all public infrastructure pipelines defined as following:
- Major Public Infrastructure Pipeline
- Small Capital Public Infrastructure Pipeline
- Private Infrastructure Pipeline
- Road maintenance
A full methodology can be found in Appendix A of the Infrastructure Market Capacity report.