Media Releases
Infrastructure Australia is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until there is an outcome from the 2025 Federal Election.
During this time, Infrastructure Australia will not be making any announcements, updates, and publishing outcomes on its evaluation of infrastructure proposals or business cases.
For more information about Caretaker Conventions, please visit Guidance on Caretaker Conventions | PM&C
Infrastructure Australia regularly updates our stakeholders across governments, industry and the community through our newsletters, media releases, speeches and presentations.
Use this page to navigate our past media releases.
For media enquiries, please contact Infrastructure Australia’s Public Affairs team:
Phone: 0492 488 444
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Media Releases
New guidelines to drive greater transparency and accountability in infrastructure decision-making and reduce instances of major projects receiving funding before appropriate planning and assessment have been released today by Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor.
Media Releases
Infrastructure Australia has concluded its independent evaluation of the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project (Rookwood Weir), following a rigorous assessment process.
Media Releases
The second stage of Melbourne's Monash Freeway Upgrade has been added to the Infrastructure Priority List as a High Priority Project after the business case was positively assessed by Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor.
Media Releases
Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor, has called on Australia's governments to renew their commitment to infrastructure reform in a new report on what has been achieved since the release of the Australian Infrastructure Plan in February 2016.
Media Releases
New economic modelling released by Infrastructure Australia shows that introducing incentive payments to encourage the states and territories to progress nation-shaping infrastructure reforms could boost the economy by $66 billion and deliver better infrastructure for our growing cities and regions.
Media Releases
Adelaide's North–South Corridor upgrade has reached another key milestone after the business case for the Regency Road to Pym Street section was approved by Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor.
Media Releases
Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor, has identified over $55 billion worth of nation-shaping projects in its latest Infrastructure Priority List, with an additional $25 billion of projects now off the list and under delivery across the country.
Media Releases
A new report from Infrastructure Australia is calling for the Federal government to have a greater leadership role in securing the global competitiveness of our largest cities.
Media Releases
Infrastructure Australia has not included the Haughton River Floodplain Upgrade Project, as it is currently scoped, to the Infrastructure Priority List following assessment of the business case.
Media Releases
Water bills could more than double by 2040 unless steps are taken to reform Australia's urban water, Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies has warned.