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Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Economic Society of Australia on 21 July 2017. His speech, Foundations for Wellbeing, explains why improving the quality of business cases, demonstrating strategic alignment, and transparency and evidence-based analysis is relevant to economic wellbeing, and how this approach can get governments closer to their desired outcomes.
Media Releases
Infrastructure Australia, the nation’s independent infrastructure advisor, has launched a new policy paper compelling Australian governments to act to protect vital infrastructure corridors and avoid cost overruns, delays and community disruption when delivering new infrastructure.
To get infrastructure planning and delivery right, you must have a long-term focus. There could be no better example of this than when it comes to protecting the corridors Australia needs to provide future railways, roads and utility networks.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Developing Northern Australia Conference 2017 on 20 June 2017. His speech outlines the potential to capitalise on Northern Australia’s existing economic assets, and deliver more efficient transport, water, energy and communications services to support the region’s future growth and prosperity. He also discusses the importance of long-term planning, evidence-based project selection and the maintenance of existing assets to enhance the resilience of Northern Australia’s infrastructure.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Better Cities on 13 June 2017. His speech outlines the key findings from Infrastructure Australia’s new report, Improving Public Transport: Customer Focused Franchising. He also discusses the importance of long-term, integrated land use planning and the need for additional investment to make better use of existing infrastructure.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed a CEDA Trustee Dinner in Perth on 7 June 2017. His speech outlines Infrastructure Australia’s investment and reform priorities and explains how transitioning towards a user or beneficiary pays model could help fund Western Australian’s future infrastructure needs.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the 2017 Roads Australia Summit in Sydney on 1 June 2017. His speech, Transport reform: the national opportunity in front of us, explains why in the context of constrained government budgets
Acknowledging that public transport is the responsibility of state and territory governments, he argues that there is an important role for the Federal Government to play in encouraging these governments to embark upon public transport reform under the Customer Focused Franchising model.
Media Releases
New data from Infrastructure Australia shows that subjecting the operation of Australia’s government-operated bus and rail services to competitive tender processes could save Australian taxpayers up to $15.5 billion by 2040, money which could be reinvested into new transport services.
In his address to the 2017 ITS National Electronic Tolling Forum, Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies discusses the transport reform priorities outlined in the 15-year Australian Infrastructure Plan. He discusses the benefits of moving to a fairer approach to road charging where the revenue raised from road users is put back into funding transport infrastructure, as well as the need to invest in data collection and analytics to make better use of existing infrastructure.