Past Evaluations

The Assessment Framework is changing in line with amendments to the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008. Find out more here.  

The table below shows the Stage 3 proposals that Infrastructure Australia has previously evaluated. 

For each proposal, we publish a summary of our evaluation, which you can access in the table below. This outlines our assessment of the strategic fit of the proposal, the costs and benefits the proposal offers for Australians, and the deliverability of the proposal.

To see the proposals we have positively evaluated as nationally significant priorities for Australia, explore the Infrastructure Priority List.

A number of business cases evaluated by Infrastructure Australia have been publicly released, view all available business cases.

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The Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line project is a proposed 37.8 km rail line between Beerwah and Maroochydore. 

Evaluation Date
10 April 2024

The M1 Pacific Motorway is a vital component of the National Land Transport Network and serves as the primary road corridor connecting Brisbane and New South Wales.

Evaluation Date
06 December 2023

There are capacity constraints across the networks of the ports in the Pilbara due to growth by the development of several spodumene (lithium) projects, increasing demand for renewable energy and other metals from the consumer electronics, electrical vehicles and energy storage industries in West

Evaluation Date
06 December 2023
The Tiaro Bypass Project seeks to improve the efficiency, safety and resilience of the Bruce Highway through the development of a bypass to the east of Tiaro.
Evaluation Date
07 June 2023

The New England Highway is part of the inland Sydney to Brisbane corridor and the National Land Transport Network. It is a major freight and passenger route, carrying 26,000 vehicles, including more than 3,700 heavy vehicles, each day.

Evaluation Date
10 February 2023
The Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail (Kuraby to Beenleigh) proposal includes increasing rail capacity, modernised rail systems, upgraded train stations and road access, a new stabling facility, level crossing removals and a dedicated active transport facility.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
Melbourne Airport Rail will connect Melbourne Airport to Victoria’s metropolitan and regional rail network, delivering ‘turn-up-and-go’ train services from the airport to Melbourne’s CBD, via Sunshine.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
The proposal for Phase 2 and 3 of Transforming Perth’s Freeways Strategic Program includes the implementation of Smart Freeway technology and critical upgrades across Perth’s north-south corridor.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
The Pakenham Roads Upgrade project aims to address congestion and cater for growth and accessibility in Pakenham and the developing Officer-Pakenham Industrial Precinct.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
The East and West Sections of the Great Western Highway Upgrade Program involves the upgrade of the Great Western Highway between Katoomba and Blackheath, and between Little Hartley and Lithgow.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022