Under Evaluation
The Assessment Framework is changing in line with amendments to the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008. Find out more here.
The table below shows the business cases that Infrastructure Australia is currently evaluating.
In some cases, we may need to seek further information about a proposed project in order to complete our evaluation. When this happens, we will note in the table below that we are awaiting information, and during this time the evaluation will remain on hold.
To find out more about how we evaluate projects, view our Assessment Framework.
The Barron River bridge is located on the Kennedy Highway, which is the primary road link between Cairns and the Northern Tablelands.
Significant population and employment growth within the Central Coast area is driving increased demand for transport connectivity to, through and within Wyong Town Centre.
The Goorganga and Myrtle Creek sections of the Bruce Highway form part of the National Land Transport Network and are a key link for Queensland’s tourism market and national freight.
The Newcastle to Sydney High Speed Rail proposal intends to establish an efficient and reliable transport solution between Newcastle and Sydney, one of Australia’s busiest regional corridors.
Transport infrastructure along the existing bridge and road corridor between North Richmond and Richmond is insufficient to meet existing local demand, and support the planned growth of local communities.
Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads have identified upgrades for the Bruce Highway South Corridor to reduce congestion and improve safety and productivity. The upgrade projects considered in this evaluation include:
This proposal, Picton Road Western Section, intends to upgrade Picton Road between the Nepean River and Almond Street, Wilton including the M31 Hume Motorway interchange.