Past Evaluations

The Assessment Framework is changing in line with amendments to the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008. Find out more here.  

The table below shows the Stage 3 proposals that Infrastructure Australia has previously evaluated. 

For each proposal, we publish a summary of our evaluation, which you can access in the table below. This outlines our assessment of the strategic fit of the proposal, the costs and benefits the proposal offers for Australians, and the deliverability of the proposal.

To see the proposals we have positively evaluated as nationally significant priorities for Australia, explore the Infrastructure Priority List.

A number of business cases evaluated by Infrastructure Australia have been publicly released, view all available business cases.

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The Mooloolah River Interchange proposal is for improvements to the interchange at the intersection of the Sunshine Motorway, Brisbane Road and Nicklin Way, to meet demand pressures.
Evaluation Date
18 February 2022
The Shepparton Line Upgrade (Shepparton Corridor Upgrade Stage 3) proposal is envisaged to deliver faster and more reliable services between Shepparton and Melbourne by providing track and signalling upgrades, and enhanced stabling.
Evaluation Date
14 October 2021
The M1 Pacific Motorway Extension to Raymond Terrace and Hexham Straight Upgrade proposal is for the development of the Pacific Motorway at Newcastle.
Evaluation Date
14 October 2021
The Creative Industries, Business and Technology City Campus is a proposed new city campus in the Perth CBD.
Evaluation Date
31 August 2021
The Coffs Harbour Bypass proposal is for an upgrade of the Pacific Highway at Coffs Harbour. The proposal includes the construction of a new 12 kilometre bypass from south of the Englands Road intersection to Korora Hill and a 2 kilometre upgrade of the existing Pacific Highway between Korora Hill and Sapphire.
Evaluation Date
31 August 2021
The proposal includes widening Tonkin Highway from four to six lanes and upgrading the intersections at Hale Road, Welshpool Road and Kelvin Road, providing benefits to north-south commuters and freight traffic around the Perth Airport Industrial Hub.
Evaluation Date
31 August 2021
The Barwon Heads Road Duplication proposal seeks to duplicate a four kilometre section of Barwon Heads Road between Settlement Road and Reserve Road. The proposal includes construction of a new bridge over the rail line at Marshall and remove the level crossing, upgrade multiple intersections, a shared path, new street lighting and road signage.
Evaluation Date
31 August 2021
The Tonkin Highway Extension proposal involves the construction of a 14 km extension of the Tonkin Highway from Thomas Road to the South Western Highway.
Evaluation Date
17 June 2021

The Rockhampton Ring Road proposal is part of the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program. It is designed to provide an alternative to the existing section of the Bruce Highway through Rockhampton.

Evaluation Date
15 April 2021

The Western Harbour Tunnel proposal involves the construction of a motorway crossing underneath Sydney Harbour, connecting WestConnex with the Warringah Freeway.

Evaluation Date
15 April 2021