Deliver globally competitive quality of life in Fast-growing Cities by growing economies and populations, enabled by place-centric infrastructure investment and reform.
Build community resilience to all hazards by considering systemic risks, interdependencies and vulnerabilities in infrastructure planning and decision-making.
Build community trust in infrastructure decision-making and institutions by ensuring infrastructure decisions are transparent, and reflect place-based community needs and preferences.
Improve the liveability and economic sustainability of regional, rural and remote areas by developing, maintaining and operating integrated freight and passenger transport networks that meet end-to-…
Free people from relying on driving for door-to-door mobility by ensuring urban transport services are managed as an integrated, inclusive, user-responsive and smart transport system.
Ensure the price paid for mobility supports the efficient movement of people and goods by leading the transition to a nationally coordinated and multimodal transport network pricing regime.
Value water in communities by prioritising a whole-of-water-cycle management approach and applying fit-for-purpose, fit-for-place and fit-for-people approaches.
Fully realise the digital economic dividend by better enabling emerging technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things and smart cities across Australia through regulation, investment and…
Support Australians to enjoy a healthier, safer, more connected and fulfilled quality of life by facilitating targeted investment in the right physical and digital social infrastructure.
Maximise social and economic community benefits by supporting shared use of social infrastructure through future agreements and capital funding programs prioritising shared use of facilities.
Avoid waste, improve resource recovery and build demand and markets for recycled products by integrating the circular economy in national waste policy and infrastructure projects.
Encourage market development through government and industry partnerships to accelerate and extend the implementation of the National Waste Policy’s data actions and bring national consistency to the…