Chair's newsletter

Publication Date
17 February 2016

Launch of the Australian Infrastructure Plan

On behalf of the Infrastructure Australia Board, I am proud to publicly release our 15 year Australian Infrastructure Plan. It was formally presented to Prime Minister, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, this morning.

Developed by Infrastructure Australia, in consultation with business, governments and the community, the Plan is about reform. It sets out 78 recommendations for reform and provides a vision and roadmap to address today’s infrastructure gaps, and set us up to meet the challenges of tomorrow

In developing the Plan, we have prioritised the user: the commuter waiting for a train, the family paying their electricity bill and the business looking to access new overseas markets.

Alongside the Plan we have also released our reinvigorated Infrastructure Priority List which identifies over 90 major projects and initiatives that the nation needs over the next 15 years.

The List is ultimately a platform for better infrastructure decisions—it provides rigorous, independent advice to governments and industry on the infrastructure investments Australia needs.

While we're very optimistic about the Plan, we realise that it will only be as good as the commitments and leadership that follow.

The challenge now is for governments at all levels to engage with the public and to act on the 78 recommendations in the Plan.

My media release on the launch of this strategic document can be read here.

The Plan and Infrastructure Priority List can both be downloaded here.

Mark Birrell, Chairman