Sunshine Station redevelopment & precinct activation
Over the next 30 years, the Western Subregion is expected to accommodate over a third of Melbourne’s population growth. By 2051, it is estimated that the region’s population will total over 1.75 million people. Sunshine Station is planned to become a major public transport interchange linking Melbourne Airport, the CBD and regional Victoria.
The location of Sunshine in Melbourne’s west, and the proposed transport infrastructure, will make Sunshine accessible by 4 million people within 45 minutes by 2046. The Sunshine precinct also has substantial land available for development, including government owned land. To support new and improved rail connections, Sunshine Station will nearly double in size. Growth of regional, metro and airport travellers will increase the number of passengers changing services and transiting through Sunshine Station and the adjacent commercial centre.
The 2021 Australian Infrastructure Plan recommended transport programs align to place-based objectives to maximise the benefits of public investment. Redevelopment of Sunshine Station provides an opportunity for broader precinct development, driving land-use changes to support job growth, and uptake of commercial land.
Strategic Fit
Sunshine is a priority precinct and sits within the Sunshine National Employment and Innovation Cluster (NEIC), both identified in Plan Melbourne. Located between the CBD and Melton and Wyndham, two western growth areas, the Sunshine NEIC has the potential to build a critical mass of tertiary education, health, retail and professional services. Investment already committed by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments in transport infrastructure provides an opportunity to improve Sunshine Station’s accessibility, and employment and development opportunities around the precinct.
Societal Impact
The development of Sunshine Station and the surrounding transport precinct, in conjunction with policy and planning settings, is expected to improve transport options, reduce congestion and provide more equitable transport and employment opportunities. Improving local pedestrian and cycling connectivity to Sunshine Station and integration with a revitalised commercial precinct will support customer experience and more efficient journeys. The development of the precinct as the primary centre in Melbourne's west provides opportunities to integrate green infrastructure, energy efficiency & sustainability principles, and local community & First Nations perspectives in the place-making approach for the precinct.
The proponent should take an integrated approach to transport and land-use planning to ensure a balance of station amenity, open & green spaces, development opportunities and appropriate transport solutions that improve customer experience and serve community needs, including services to access the transport precinct.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework). The Victorian Department of Transport and Planning has allocated resources to advance the planning for Sunshine and business cases for key items.
Potential investment options should consider the need for higher active, public and e- transport access to Sunshine Station.