Sydney–Canberra rail connectivity and capacity

The Sydney to Canberra corridor plays a significant role in Australia’s regional transport network.
However, the 320 km rail line between Sydney and Canberra is constrained by terrain and an alignment built to 19th century requirements, leading to slow train speeds and long journey times for passengers.
In-vehicle journey times between Sydney and Canberra are currently about 1 hour by air, 3 hours by car and over 4 hours by train. As a result, only 1% of people travelling between Sydney and Canberra choose to travel by train.
The number of people living between Canberra and Sydney is forecast to grow by 1.5% each year to 2036, increasing pressure on the road network and airports.
Improving rail services in this corridor would provide more transport options for travellers, improve travel-time reliability for rail passengers and reduce pressure on the air corridor.
The opportunity is for a range of potential upgrades to enable faster rail services between Sydney and Canberra to improve the customer experience, increase productivity and provide a competitive alternative to driving or flying.
These potential upgrades may include:
- track straightening and duplication
- track formation renewal
- electrification and signalling upgrades
- new rolling stock.
The proposal requires a coordinated approach between the ACT Government and NSW Government, as well as the Australian Government and the Australian Rail Track Corporation.
It should also consider the potential role of high speed rail in the future. Corridor preservation for East Coast High Speed Rail is separately included on the Infrastructure Priority List as an Early-Stage Proposal.
Proponent to identify and analyse potential investment options (Stage 2 of Infrastructure Australia’s Assessment Framework).
Refer to Infrastructure Glossary for terms and definitions.