North-South Corridor: Torrens to Darlington

The North-South Corridor: Torrens to Darlington proposal is for the construction of a new motorway connection between the River Torrens and Darlington on Adelaide’s North-South Corridor. The proposal includes the construction of a new 10.5 kilometre motorway with three lanes in each direction, including the tunnel sections, connecting the Torrens to Torrens section in the north and the Darlington Upgrade Project in the south. This is the final section of the North-South Corridor to be updated, completing the North-South Motorway. The proposal includes four sections of motorway:

  • Southern Tunnel connecting Darlington to Anzac Highway with approximately 5.7 kilometres of motorway, including 4.4 kilometres of twin three lane tunnels
  • Northern Tunnel between the River Torrens and the Tunnel Connector, with 2.3 kilometres of twin three lane tunnels
  • Tunnel Connector, a 2.1 kilometre section between the Southern Tunnel and Northern Tunnel
  • Torrens Connector, which will integrate the Northern Tunnel with the Torrens to Torrens section.

The proposal also includes supporting works, including connections to surrounding arterial roads, and intelligent transport systems.

This proposal responds to the existing Adelaide North-South Corridor upgrade (remaining sections) Stage 2 Potential Investment Options proposal on the Infrastructure Priority List. The project is intended to provide travel time and vehicle operating cost savings, improved safety, freight productivity and flood resilience. The Australian Government has committed $2.7 billion to Stage One – Darlington to Anzac Highway under the Investment Road and Rail Program.