The Department of Trade, Business and Innovation (DTBI), in partnership with Power and Water Corporation (PWC), identified a strategic need to address the supply and demand for water in the greater Darwin region. Based on the current estimates of climate change, population growth and long-term economic growth opportunities, the demand for water will be 20,000 megalitres (ML) per annum (p.a.) above the sustainable yield of the greater Darwin region’s water supply by 2031 and 59,000 ML p.a. by 2050.
A Detailed Business Case (DBC) has been prepared to consider water supply options to address forecast demand for water from residential, industrial, agricultural and horticultural sectors. The Manton Dam Return to Service (RTS) and Adelaide River Off-stream Water Storage (AROWS) is the preferred option. RTS is estimated to yield of approximately 7,300 ML p.a. and AROWS is estimated to yield of approximately 60,200 ML p.a. of water.