The Western Harbour Tunnel proposal involves the construction of a motorway crossing underneath Sydney Harbour, connecting WestConnex with the Warringah Freeway.
Travel demand across Sydney Harbour is projected to increase, resulting in further congestion. The Gore Hill/Warringah Freeway/Sydney Harbour Bridge/Eastern Distributor Corridor is projected to become the 10th most congested corridor in Sydney in 2031. Congestion on this corridor impacts on bus and private vehicle travel. The high levels of demand for existing infrastructure reflects the channeling of traffic onto the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Tunnel across Sydney Harbour.
This proposal was accepted for evaluation 5 November 2020.
On 15 April 2021 Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway Upgrade was added to the Infrastructure Priority List as a Priority Project
To find out more about how we evaluate projects, see our Submission Guidelines.