Infrastructure Australia regularly updates our stakeholders across governments, industry and the community through our newsletters, media releases, speeches and presentations.
Use this page to navigate our past speeches including keynotes and presentations from our Chair, CEO, and executive team.
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Infrastructure Australia CEO Philip Davies in partnership with the Committee for Melbourne and Committee for Sydney launched a new paper, Future Cities: Planning for our growing population on 23 February 2018. In his speech, Mr Davies discussed the challenges and opportunities presented by rapid population growth, and the key priorities for all levels of government to enhance the liveability and economic potential of our cities.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies launched the latest paper in Infrastructure Australia’s Reform Series, Reforming Urban Water: A national pathway for change. His speech outlines a series of recommendations to governments, which establish a clear pathway to reforming the urban water sector. The paper calls on Australian governments to get on with the job of bringing urban water policy, regulation and governance up to speed so that it can meet the changing needs of Australians in the twenty-first century.
Infrastructure Australia Executive Director Adrian Dwyer presented at the NRMA Trends and Innovation Series on Funding and Financing in Sydney on 8 November 2017. His speech outlines the initiatives and projects of national significance to Australia’s continued prosperity. Mr Dwyer also discusses the importance of finding more sustainable and equitable ways of funding our national investment priorities and the need to rebalance our system towards a user pays funding model.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Australian British Infrastructure Investment Catalyst conference in London on 26 September 2017. His speech outlines how in this time of rapid technological change and great opportunity, Australia's continued prosperity will depend in large part on a rethink of our approaches to infrastructure selection, procurement and regulation. Mr Davies compares Australia and the UKs energy, telecommunication transportation and water sectors, and discusses the key reform lessons from each jurisdiction.
Infrastructure Australia Executive Director of Policy and Research, Adrian Dwyer, addressed the Infrastructure Association of Queensland on 29 August 2017. His speech, Managing the Consultation Challenges of Road Reform, stresses that we cannot wait for a crisis before we act on road reform, and explains why early and meaningful engagement with the community on road reform will avoid funding crisis before action is taken.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Australasian Railway Association—Rail Freight Conference on 17 August 2017. His speech outlines the substantial growth in the national freight task over the coming decades and the opportunities presented by the booming economies of China and South-East Asia. He also discusses the importance of a wider national and international, freight and supply market perspective and the need to move away from short to medium term thinking. In addition, Mr Davies outlines the benefits of a national freight strategy, scenario planning and the value in extracting great efficiency from our current road and rail networks.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Economic Society of Australia on 21 July 2017. His speech, Foundations for Wellbeing, explains why improving the quality of business cases, demonstrating strategic alignment, and transparency and evidence-based analysis is relevant to economic wellbeing, and how this approach can get governments closer to their desired outcomes.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Developing Northern Australia Conference 2017 on 20 June 2017. His speech outlines the potential to capitalise on Northern Australia’s existing economic assets, and deliver more efficient transport, water, energy and communications services to support the region’s future growth and prosperity. He also discusses the importance of long-term planning, evidence-based project selection and the maintenance of existing assets to enhance the resilience of Northern Australia’s infrastructure.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Better Cities on 13 June 2017. His speech outlines the key findings from Infrastructure Australia’s new report, Improving Public Transport: Customer Focused Franchising. He also discusses the importance of long-term, integrated land use planning and the need for additional investment to make better use of existing infrastructure.
Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Philip Davies addressed a CEDA Trustee Dinner in Perth on 7 June 2017. His speech outlines Infrastructure Australia’s investment and reform priorities and explains how transitioning towards a user or beneficiary pays model could help fund Western Australian’s future infrastructure needs.