Past Evaluations

The Assessment Framework is changing in line with amendments to the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008. Find out more here.  

The table below shows the Stage 3 proposals that Infrastructure Australia has previously evaluated. 

For each proposal, we publish a summary of our evaluation, which you can access in the table below. This outlines our assessment of the strategic fit of the proposal, the costs and benefits the proposal offers for Australians, and the deliverability of the proposal.

To see the proposals we have positively evaluated as nationally significant priorities for Australia, explore the Infrastructure Priority List.

A number of business cases evaluated by Infrastructure Australia have been publicly released, view all available business cases.

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The New England Highway Singleton Bypass proposal aims to improve safety, travel times and travel variability for traffic on the New England Highway travelling through Singleton and will facilitate movement of heavy freight vehicles travelling on this section of the New England Highway.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
The Napoleon Road Upgrade proposal involves the duplication of Napoleon Road from Lysterfield Road to Kelletts Road in Rowville, in Melbourne's outer south-east.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
The Monash Roads Upgrade project involves the upgrade of two intersections within the Berwick Health and Education Precinct. It is expected to provide improved access to local employment and services, as well as reduced congestion and delays.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
The Dorset Road Extension proposal involves the extension of Dorset Road from Burwood Highway to Lysterfield Road in south-eastern Melbourne, Victoria.
Evaluation Date
08 September 2022
The Dungowan Dam and Pipeline is a proposal to increase town water supply for Tamworth and sustain the reliability of water for agriculture across the Peel Valley.
Evaluation Date
05 July 2022
The Circular Quay Renewal proposal intends to update transport infrastructure, amenities, activate public spaces, and improve retail offerings and the overall quality of the public domain.
Evaluation Date
12 April 2022
The Australia-Asia PowerLink is a private proposal that captures northern Australia’s comparative advantage in producing and providing zero emission electricity to the Darwin region and Singapore.
Evaluation Date
12 April 2022
The North-South Corridor: Torrens to Darlington proposal is for the construction of a new 10.5 kilometre six-lane connection between the River Torrens and Darlington to complete Adelaide’s North-South Motorway. Tunnels make up over 60 per cent of the length of the proposed motorway connection.
Evaluation Date
18 February 2022
The Coomera Connector Stage 1 proposal is for an alternative transport route to the M1 for local trips between Coomera and Nerang.
Evaluation Date
18 February 2022
The business case assesses options to meet forecast demand for water to facilitate growth in the greater Darwin region.
Evaluation Date
18 February 2022